Wednesday, October 01, 2003

On Newborn Babies, and Daddy's Role

How much time Daddies take off from work depends on how much Mommie needs him. Giving birth is another beginning, actually much scarier, and if you think progesterone related incidents are frustrating now, you aint seen nothin' yet. And the worst is we KNOW we're unreasonable and we KNOW we're horrible and we KNOW you love us and we KNOW this baby will eventually learn to eat/let us sleep/stop its damn crying and we KNOW we're psychotic.....and we can't help it, can't do anything about it, and what we really want is a hug, even though we smell like spitup and babypoo, and our hair hasn't been combed in two or three days, and we need a shower so badly we can taste it. We need that hug, and for you to say something other than, "I don't know what he wants, Honey". We need you to confidently say, "Sure, Sweetheart, I can handle her. You go get a shower, take a nap for an hour or two. Junior and I will be fine," even if you're quaking in your Nikes and have no IDEA what you'll do to feed this child because Mamma's been way too tired and stressed to use that damned expensive rented breast pump, if she's even producing any milk, which neither of you is certain of right now, because the little monster acts like she's starving ALL THE TIME.

Three months should do it.